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Field Work


Multimedia installation, live performance

Commissioned for Campbelltown Arts Centre’s Looking at me through you (2017)

110% were one of twelve artist and collectives invited by Campbelltown Arts Centre to create a responsive socially-engaged artwork, responding to current statistical data around issues of diversity and development in Western Sydney communities. ‘Field work’, was an attempt to sidestep conventional narratives of economic achievement and urban development that dominate the presentation of statistical data about Western Sydney. 110% visited sites of leisure and recreation in the Campbelltown area and surrounds, wishing to learn more about how people choose to spend their unproductive hours. Exploring sites such as the Raby Sports Complex, they considered what labours of care and conservation are undertaken to ensure that these multi-functional spaces remain open and free for public use in a period of increasing privatisation of land and resources. From this process, 110% produced a video and sculpture installation that reflects the ongoing processes that cultivate the pursuit of leisure in the Campbelltown area. During the exhibition period, the trio staged a series of performances that reconfigured elements of the gallery installation using gestures of maintenance, renewal and trace-making.  

Beth Dillon | Visual Artist | Performance Installation Video Text Sculpture | Costume and Set Design

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