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A short film produced in collaboration with Anton Benois during a 2-month winter residency at Listhus Artspace, Olafsfjordur, North Iceland.


The film follows the small-town wanderings of a fish out of water. In the video, the fish appears at dawn on the harbor shore then proceeds to explore the streets and interiors of Olafsfjordur before returning to the ocean at nightfall. The fish is a ghostly presence, a mute observer who haunts the various sites of the village, including a cod-processing plant, a petrol station and a local home. Fisk provides a portrait of Olafsfjordur from the perspective of the figure of the outsider, exploring feelings of disorientation and displacement within a winter landscape of long nights, twilight glows, sub-zero temperatures and heavy snows. The film is also a meditation on the decline of the herring fishing industry in North Iceland, musing on themes of absence and nostalgia for past prosperity. 

Concept: Beth Dillon and Anton Benois

Costumes and edit: Beth Dillon

Fisk: Anton Benois
Camera: Jolene Mok

Sound design: M.Rux.

This project was produced with funding support from the Sainsbury Sculpture Grant, National Association of the Visual Arts, Australia. 

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