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Two Yellow Bellies (2014-15)

Collaborative project with Anton Benois.  


In December 2014, Dillon and Benois undertook a two-month project at Listhus Residency, Olafsfjordur, Iceland. The project spanned from December 5, 2014 to February 2, 2015.      


60 days in far north Iceland 

60 days of dark winter

60 days without seeing the sun

During this period, we underwent self-administered sun replacement therapy. 

We dined exclusively on meals that fell within the yellow spectrum.

We consumed the colours of sunshine as we were consumed by darkness.  

Each meal was documented and posted online as project documentation. On the 21 January, we hosted a community buffet in the Listhus gallery to celebrate the return of the sun to the town of Olafsfjordur. A feast of yellow foods was enjoyed by local residents and visiting artists.     

Beth Dillon and Anton Benois, 2015. 

This project has received funding support from the Listhus Skammdegi AIR Award and the Sainsbury Sculpture Grant (NAVA).  

For full documentation of the project, visit

Yellow Belly Archive (2015)

Ephemeral installation

Exhibited as part of FRIDGE, curated by Paz Ponce, Entretempo Kitchen Gallery, Berlin. 

The Yellow Belly Archive recreated a series of meals from Dillon's Two Yellow Bellies collaboration with Anton Benois, in which the two artists ate only yellow foods for 60 days while living in the north of Iceland. The original project was an exercise in self-administered sunshine replacement therapy, an attempt to cope with the depressive effects of dark winter conditions. 

For FRIDGE, Dillon and Benois played with the idea of the archive, using the fridge as a vitrine to store and display 7 meals from the Two Yellow Bellies project, vacuum sealed in plastic. 

Beth Dillon | Visual Artist | Performance Installation Video Text Sculpture | Costume and Set Design

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