Collaborative project with Renata Har and Caique Tizzi of Agora Collective. Presented as part of the group-exhibition, 7x1, curated by Rafael Cardoso.
In a basement space within the Mehringplatz social housing complex, a single printer reproduced a violet-toned photograph of the Victoria angel statue that stands in the public square of Mehringplatz. This historic icon of peace and victory was reproduced over and over until the printer ink ran dry and the machine ceased to function, leaving a pile of fading angels on the basement floor. Surrounding the printer was a trio of televisions screening footage of a violet-tinged waterfall cascading in an endless loop.
Violeta was a response to the multilayered history of Mehringplatz, Berlin: one of past prosperity, wartime destruction, immigration settlement and political struggle with community development. The installation considered the square's civic history as the Belle-Alliance Platz, one of Berlin's architectural landmarks and a symbol of peace and bourgeois culture before the area was annihilated by Allied bombs in 1945.
The slowly fading image of the angel Victoria reflected on the current uncertainty surrounding the future of Mehringplatz, a social housing project built in the 1970's that languishes in a neglected state in stark contrast to the various tourist attractions nearby. The image of the waterfall alluded to ongoing cycles of regeneration and decay that shape the civic development of post-war Berlin.
This project was developed in conversation with local resident and community activist, Margit Boé.